Waldbuhne Berlin - Robbie Williams

Brothers Spark Way 3
59073 Hamm
You can reach the U-Bahn Station „Olympiastadion“ by taking the lane „U2“. From there it is a short walk to the Waldbuhne.
Average duration of rides: 3 minutes; from U-Bahn Station Ruhleben; 14 minutes from U-Bahn Station Zoologischer Garten; 24 minutes from U-Bahn Station Potsdamer Platz; 34 minutes from U-Bahn Station Alexanderplatz
By S-Bahn:
You can reach the S-Bahn Station „Olympiastadion“ by taking the lane „S5“. From there it is a short walk to the Waldbuhne. Average duration of rides: 7 minutes from S-Bahn Station Spandau;
14 minutes from S-Bahn Station Zoologischer Garten; 22 minutes from S-Bahn Station Friedrichstraße; 26 minutes from S-Bahn Station Alexanderplatz
By Car:
Arriving from Hamburg/Rostock:
● Stadtring (City beltway) towards Charlottenburg (A100)
● Take Kaiserdamm exit, stay on right lane, then turn right at the end of the exit ramp.
● Continue straight on via Knobelsdorffstrasse, Platanenallee
● Turn right onto Reichsstrasse
● Turn left on Steubenplatz, and then right onto Olympische Strasse
● Follow Signs for Waldbuhne
Arriving from Munich/Nuremberg, Hanover/Magdeburg, Leipzig:
● Take the Avus (A115) towards Autobahndreieck Funkturm
● Take Messedamm exit (towards A100), stay in the right lane
Itinerary A:
● A the second traffic light, turn left towards Deutschlandhalle
● Once you passed Deutschlandhalle, turn right onto Jaffeestrasse and continue until you reach Heerstrasse
● Turn left onto Heerstrasse, stay in the right lane
● Turn right onto Flatowallee and follow directiosn for Waldbuhne
Itinerary B
● Continue straight on at the second traffic light
● Drive through the ICC underpass
● Turn left at the next traffic light onto Masurenallee
● Follow the traffic circle on Theodor-Heuss-Platz to the third exit (Heerstrasse)
● Continue straight on and stay in right lane
● Turn right onto Flatowallee and follow signs for Wal
Berlin's "Waldbühne" is the finest open-air theatre in Europe. During the summer months, it attracts up to 22,000 patrons each evening to various events ranging from classical and rock music to film shows.