Ipswich Regent Theatre

The Regent Theatre Ipswich opened in 1929 as a cine-variety hall. At 7.00pm on Monday November 4th, the entrance doors of the new Regent, Ipswich opened and into its spacious foyer crowded nearly 2,000 Ipswich people who had come to witness this momentous occasion.
Today, Ipswich Borough Council funds the theatre as part of its arts and entertainment portfolio which also includes the Corn Exchange and Ipswich Film Theatre.
From the Crown Street car park pedestrian entrance, turn left along Crown Street into St. Margarets Street. After the junction with Woodbridge Road the Regent Theatre can be found next to the Odeon Cinema.
Crown Street Multi-Storey Car Park:
From London / Colchester / Bury St. Edmunds... Take the A12 to Ipswich. At the roundabout where the A12 and the A14 intersect take the exit signposted 'Ipswich West' onto the A1214. Go straight over the next roundabout (Tesco is on your left) and continue on London Road through several sets of traffic lights. You will pass Sainsbury's on your left hand side at a set of traffic lights; continue straight on through two further sets of traffic lights onto Hanford Road. At the Handford Road / Civic Drive roundabout, take the first exit onto Civic Drive, at the next roundabout take the third exit which leads into Crown Street. The Crown Street multi-storey car park is signposted after passing Crown Pools on the left hand side.
From Woodbridge / Lowestoft (A12 North)... Take the A12 towards Ipswich and at the A1214 junction at Martlesham take the third exit along the Woodbridge Road into Ipswich. Follow signs to the 'Town Centre'. After passing Rushmere Heath there is a roundabout, take the 2nd exit then immediately at the next roundabout take 2nd exit A1071 (signposted Town Centre) onto the 'Woodbridge Road'. After approx 2 miles, the signs will direct you to turn left onto Warwick Road and then right onto St. Helen's Street. The Regent Theatre is situated further along St. Helen's Street on your right hand side. Continue straight onto St. Margaret's Street, which leads into Crown Street. After passing Fonnereau Road on your right hand side, the Crown Street multi-storey car park is signposted.
Please leave plenty of time to park before a performance. There is no parking at the theatre (except for a limited number of 'Blue Badge' / wheelchair spaces which must be prearranged with the theatre).
The Crown Pools multi-storey car park, open 24 hours, has 1,064 spaces and costs £1.50 for entry after 6.00pm.
There are a number of other smaller car parks and a limited number of street parking spaces in the vicinity of the theatre.
Bars and Refreshments
Bars are open one hour before the start of the production until the end of the last interval.
Drinks are not normally permitted in the auditorium for concerts or shows, with the exception of the boxes at the Regent Theatre.
Light confectionery and ice creams are usually available to customers 1 hour prior to the performance, and during any interval.