Weston Homes Community Stadium Colchester

Directions From London (40 miles from M25/London approx 1 hour 15 minutes):
Take the A12 towards Chelmsford off M25 and follow A12 beyond Chelmsford towards Colchester.
Do not take any of the early exits off the A12 signed Colchester Central but instead carry on to the new Junction 28 (signposted for the Hospital), which takes you directly into the stadium site.
Having turned off onto the slip road, turn right at the first roundabout. Go across the bridge and then go straight over the second roundabout, before turning right into United Way from the third roundabout. You are now at the stadium.
From Ipswich (17 miles/approx 30 mins from Ipswich) :
Take the A12 from Ipswich towards Colchester.
Turn off at the new Junction 28, signposted for the Hospital.
Turn left at the first roundabout. Turn right into United Way from the second roundabout. You are now at the stadium..
By Train/Bus
Take Greater Anglia train to Colchester North Station*
First Group buses from North Station to stadium include: No 65