Malvern Theatres

Malvern Theatres is situated in Grange Road, near the centre of Great Malvern, near to the Priory Church, Nat West Bank and the Abbey Hotel. The postcode for satellite navigation systems is WR14 3HB.
Great Malvern is on the main A449 Hereford to Kidderminster Road. Coming by car from the direction of Hereford, or from Worcester City, visitors should use the A449 right to the centre of Great Malvern.
If travelling to Malvern from the north via the M5 motorway, visitors should leave the motorway at Junction 7 and follow the signs for the A449 to Malvern.
If travelling to Malvern from the south via the M5 motorway, visitors should leave the motorway at Junction 8 and join the M50. Stay on the M50 for only about 2km, taking the first exit you come to, signposted Malvern A38. Follow the A38 , turn left onto the A4104 Signposted Malvern and Upton and cross the River Severn at Upton . Turn right at the mini-roundabout after the bridge and follow the road for about four miles. Take a left turn sign posted Malvern. Follow the road through Guarlford and on to Barnard’s Green. At Barnard’s green take the second exit at the large roundabout up the hill into Great Malvern.