Alsterdorfer Sporthalle

Alsterdorfer Sporthalle, also known as Sporthalle Hamburg, is an indoor arena in Hamburg, Germany. Alsterdorfer Sporthalle holds up to 7,000 people with 4,200 seats. It opened in 1968 and is located in the city's quarter of Winterhude.

Exit motorway A7 at Hamburg Stellingen and make a right turn into Kieler Straße, turn left into Sportplatzring becoming Koppel, Julius-Vosseler-Straße, Vogt-Wells-Straße, Osterfeldstraße and Lokstedter Weg. Make a left turn from Lokstedter Weg into Tarpenstraße, Rosenbrook. Turn right from Rosenbrook into Deelböge becoming Braamkamp. Krochmannstraße and the venue are on the left hand side.

Public Transport
Subway: U1 Lattenkamp station
Bus: 20 bus stop Ohlsdorfer Straße

Parking spaces are located in close proximity to the venue


Capacity 7000
Location Hamburg